Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And They're Off

My day at the races on Sunday was alot of fun. I learned that I have
absolutely no idea how to play the ponies. All of the ladies from my
Mardi Gras Krewe cleaned up nicely. The buffet at the fairgrounds left
alot to be desired. I would have preferred to order something from the
menu. Those entrées looked delicious. Look how tiny the jockey is. I
decided against decorating my hat. It was huge. I kept bumping into
things and people with it.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I have this man-friend (make of that what you will), that insists on sending a million texts a day.  I personally think it makes more sense to just have a conversation. Hell for all the time he spends texting he could drive over and have a face to face conversation.  I don't get it.  Sometimes (read: when I'm tipsy) a good text/flirting session is beneficial, but not everyday.  I think it has become a disturbing trend among the males of today.  I once had a guy try to wimp out and ask without asking for a date through a text message.  I don't play that shit.  So I texted back sure I would meet him at happy hour.  Then I promptly invited some other friends.  When he was surprised to see other people show up I made sure to mention that I didn't think he would mind me inviting others sense it wasn't a date or anything formal.  I mean he did ask me via text, right?  He got the hint.  It seems like my current friend might need a push as well.  Maybe he's one of those people that uses a cell as his only phone and he has more text messages in his plan than minutes.  I don't know.  I do know I'm tired of fast furious texting.  I love texting in general, but enough is enough.  There is a time and a place for texting.  For instance, during Tuesday seminars at school.  There is no better time to text and catch up on my twitter account and return emails.  If I didn't do this I would probably end up in a catatonic state.  And a couple of my fellow grad students that I text during this time might follow me down that path.  They might not comment on this, but they know who they are.  Without a well-timed and totally inappropriate text from me during seminar hours none of us would make it.   Arginase II will make hair grow on your chest!  Need I say more?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fat Necked Girl, Let Me Count Your Neck Rings

I need a hat.  Not just any hat I need a large go to the Kentucky Derby hat.  I am not going to the Derby, but I am heading to the fairgrounds here in New Orleans.  This should be big fun.  I'm getting together with my Muses float members on Sunday.  The fourth race of the day will be named for us and we have a reserved party room and buffet.  It's been a while since I played the ponies.  I'm excited.  I already have my dress picked out and matching shoes now I need the hat.  I was supposed to have gottten the hat 2 weeks ago and decorated it.  I have to do it all tomorrow.  My dress is pretty cute.  The print is zebra stripe but in brown and khaki or brown and cream.  So it looks more safari than zebra.  I like it.  I'll keep you posted on how it comes out.
In a totally unrelated but mad funny topic. I watched 30 Rock last night and heard my new most favorite song lyric ever.  Tracey Morgan sang it last night. It went something like this "Fat necked girl, let me count your neck rings!"  OMG I choked because I was laughing so hard.  So that has been in my head all day today.  On the way to the cafeteria I was behind a man with sausage rolls behind his head that made me convulse in giggles once again.  Ahh.. this week has been very crappy but these two things brightened my day considerably.  So when you find yourself having a hard time or horrendus day and need a little pick me up.  Quietly hum "fat necked girl, let me count your neck rings" and I guarantee you will feel better.  Another tactic is to watch people interacting in public and imagine them singing that to each other.  I'm giggling as I write this.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Aint That Some Shit!!

So I found out today some really upsetting stuff.  I'm not going to go into too much detail to protect the innocent and the not so innocent.  I found out that a situation that has caused me considerable angst should not have been.  I went through the gamut of emotions today.  I started with relief that I wasn't totally to blame and quickly progressed  to righteous indignation followed by extreme anger.  I want to yell and scream. But mostly I want to hand out some much deserved beat downs.  I mean you stole something from my mama and you kicked Mr. Bunny!   type of beat downs. (For future reference both of these things WILL earn you pauper princess beatdown.) I digress. So with all of this said all that comes to mind about my current situation is "Aint that some shit!!"  No even better, "aint that some hot shit on a stick". Holla

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sassy Much?

I'm feeling kind of sassy today. Not sure why, but I'm going with it.
Today we took a prospective grad student to lunch. She seemed so
excited and "fresh" comes to mind. Of course that would make me
"stale" and I'm not ready to claim that. Seriously though I wanted to
tell her to run not walk to dental school instead. Dentists are far
better paid than scientists or even m.d's. Besides the new car smell
of graduate school has long since turned into old sneaker funk.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone. My day was nothing special. Went to
school. Seminar was boring. If they weren't mandatory I would never
go. I know I completely failed at blogging everyday this month,but for
what it's worth I'm back.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hanging with Tizzy

Tonight is definitely a Tizzy night.  Not supposed to mix antibiotics and alcohol but I'm sure it will be fine.  So if anyone was to ask me about my plans for tonight I would reply"Hanging with Tizzy".

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Situational Ebonics Part II

I got some emails about yesterday's post.  So first I'm ridiculously excited that more people than I thought read this blog.  Yay... The emails ranged from agreement because they had experienced this to questions from a couple of friends  about whether I was talking about them.  To set the record straight.  Any one of my friends that I spend time with would know if I felt they used situational ebonics.  I call my friends on it because I don't want to be annoyed everytime I hang out with them.  So if you know I consider you a friend and I haven't called you on it then more than likely I haven't noticed you changing your speech around me.  If you are a friend and I have called you on it, then know that I did it because I value your friendship and have taken steps to ensure we remain friends for a long time.  I didn't want to give the impression that I don't want anyone to say "Hey Girl or Girlfriend" around me.  I don't object to the phrases themselves.  I know plenty of people who use these phrases and it doesn't bother me.  What I find offensive is when I know someone is just using these phrases around me or another black person. Stop it.  Just be beautifully you.  I have a friend who addresses her girlfriends as "Sister".  She is not black and it doesn't offend me because she says it to all females that she feels friendship or sisterhood with regardless of race.   I respect that.  A friend taught me how to say hello in Mandarin.  Now I regularly greet the people in my lab with that phrase regardless of race.  I don't just bust it out when I'm around Chinese people.  I found a funny website that is almost too perfect for this topic.  Enjoy. I did get a couple of emails from people who thought I was being too sensitive.  Perhaps I was, but this is the pauper princess blog and I am The Princess!! hahahahahaha Just kidding.  No I wasn't.  Keep them coming.  I would really like it if more people left comments.  I'm still a little new to the blogging game so emails from unknown sources might not get opened.  Yesterday's post was the first to inspire emails so I didn't expect them and almost didn't open them because they were sent to my junk mail.  I have to change my filter to add emails from the blog to go to my inbox.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Situational Ebonics

Why is it that some not all caucasian people feel the need to change their speech when speaking to me?  I'm not naming names but it really irks me.  I know they don't mean to be offensive, but really.  You just met me and your greeting is "Hey Girl".  What kind of fuckery is this? Because I'm black I'm supposed to appreciate you speaking to me in my language?  I don't use girl or girlfriend in my everyday speech.  What really gets me steamed is that they think this is supposed to show me how cool and pro-black they are.  It would be different if this was how they spoke all the time to everyone, but that isn't the case.  The truly enlightened are who they are no matter who they are around. 

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Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm trying something new. This post is being sent from my phone. Ahh
the wonders of new technology. Next time I'll try to include a
picture. Still not feeling so hot.

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, March 8, 2009



These cupcakes came out well and were ridiculously easy to make.  I made a Duncan Hines cake mix according to the directions with one change.  I substituted all the water for pureed strawberries.  Then baked according to the directions.  I did notice that my bake time was about 6 minutes shorter than the recommended bake time.  The frosting was the best part of the cupcakes and just as easy to make.  I mixed one 8oz tub of cream cheese with 1/4 cup of powdered sugar.  I whipped at top speed for a minute or two then added 1 cup of pureed strawberries and whipped.  This made the mixture a little too runny so I added another spoon or two of cream cheese to thicken it up a bit.  Once it was the consistency of a thin paste I adjusted the sugar to my personal sweetness level.  Next I added about 3 heaping tablespoons of cool whip and used a flat spatula to mix it in.  Just until the mixture was a uniform pink color.  Once the cupcakes are cooled just frost them and add a strawberry on top to garnish.  I had to cut my strawberries because I used frozen strawberries and they don't always look the best. I cut them and trimmed until they looked nice. Let the frosted cupcakes sit for about 30 minutes and the frosting will thicken up.  Everyone at the party liked them.  I thought they were pretty special and I didn't have to pay a lot.   Ultimately it didn't take much more time than normally either so I will definitely be making these again.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baking Cupcakes

I forgot to post yesterday.  Oops.  This morning I'm up bright and early because I'm making cupcakes.  It's my friend Alyson's birthday.  I decided to be a little adventurous.  At least adventurous for me. I'm going to puree some fresh strawberries and add them to the cupcake batter.  Then I'm thinking about adding some to the cream cheese frosting. I'm still debating because I don't want the cupcakes to have too much strawberry.  But maybe a disgusting amount of strawberry is what will make them pop.  If this works out I'll post the recipe.  It was all pretty cheap too.  I got the cake mix for 50 cents and the cream cheese and strawberries each less than a dollar from Family Dollar.  I already had the other ingredients at my house.  I love this and other stores like it.  I stock my pantry with the things I buy in there for sooo cheap.  So this is my newest tip.  "Stock your pantry at dollar stores and discount stores."  They are all over the country.  These stores sell more than just the cheap trinkets we all remember from when we were little.  You can buy brand name things there.  Sadly they don't sell alcohol, so I'm still paying full price for my liquor.  On a bright note Tizzy is 3 for $10 and when it's on sale 4 for $10.  You can't beat that.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Who's The Master?

I have been saying this to myself over and over since last weekend.  It can't get any better than the immortal words of Sho'nuff.  Sadly he died not too long ago.  I love this movie so much.  It never gets old.  I especially like the DeBarge video in the middle.  The movie is chalked full of one-liners and "happening" dance moves.  They don't make movies like this anymore.  If for some cracked out reason you haven't seen "Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon" I suggest you run out and rent buy a copy today. Anyone I've ever shown the movie to loves it.  I want to walk into every room followed by my tricked out adoring entourage.  "Am I the meanest?  Am I the prettiest? Am I the baddest, mofo lowdown around town". Your answer better be "SHONUFF".  I'm gonna get a t-shirt made to say this.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

That's Going to Be a Negative Ghostrider!

So I have been considering getting a roommate to save money.  The girl I had almost settled on has already gotten on my nerves.  Not just any nerves either... She is on my black nerve.  Anyone who knows me is aware that this is not the nerve to be on!!!  So I've decided that it would be best if we didn't live together.  I also talked to a mutual friend and he told me that she has had problems with every roommate she has ever had.  I think I dodged a bullet.  Of course I haven't had a chance to tell her yet but I'm working up to it. I had to work hard not to just tell her in a voicemail but I am a grown up and will wait for her to return my call and tell her personally.   I think I'll say something like "Yeah, so about being roommates.... That's going to be a negative ghostrider!" Deuce!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Not Mono

I have been feeling kinda funky for the last 2 weeks.  Sweet Ryan thinks it might be Mononucleosis.  I'm pretty sure it isn't because my life hasn't been interesting enough for me to catch mono.  I feel super tired and have had killer headaches.  Maybe it is just that I'm tired of all the bullshit I've been putting up with one of my professors.  Today I came extremely close to calling him a jackass and stalking out.  Tags: ,

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Temper Tantrums and Tizzy

When was the last time you had a really good temper tantrum?  I mean a rolling on the floor, screaming at the top of your lungs and kicking tantrum.  I feel like it should still be ok to do this.  I know I'm the first one to talk shit about a person's lack of parenting skills when I see kids having a tantrum out in public, but I feel like I need one.  Random everyday stuff is just upsetting me and I think a tantrum would allow me to keep my sanity for a good 3-4 weeks longer.  Maybe I'll just settle for bumping up my BGS (black girl swagger).  One of my professors is riding my nerves.  I fight everyday to keep from slapping the taste from his mouth.  But although I may fantasize about it and throwing a tantrum worthy of the title "Princess" in the real world I can't.  Oooh but I want to.  Tonight is most definitely a Tizzy night. Tizzy is actually the merlot from Tisdale Vineyards my fave cheap wine.  You can buy it 3 for $10 but it is really good.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ha Liz

I almost forgot to blog today. My friend Liz the Lakeview Critic  and I have agreed to blog everyday for the month of March.  I have no idea if I have enough to say everyday but I almost forgot that today is the 1st of the month.  I'm sure she thinks I forgot  so this is a big "In your face!"  Next time I'll have more to say but right now I have to be quick and short so I can finish while it is still  technically March 1st.  I haven't even checked her blog to find out if she remembered, but I'm not taking chances.  More to come.