My birthday was the first week of december. To celebrate I organized "Foxxy's Second Annual Pajama Pub Crawl". It was a blast. I would guess that I had about 50 people (most of them in jammies) attend.
Of course my jammies had to be the best. I ordered adult footy pajamas and then bedazzled them to make them jazzy. (Yes I said BEDAZZLED, or in my case Gem-Magic, bedazzler's cheaper/cooler cousin). I used iron-on letters to spell out "This is Why I'm Hot" on the back and then just went crazy with the little bedazzle jewels. When I finished I first thought my jammies looked like an Elvis jumpsuit, but on further reflection I think Evil Kineivel. He's more badass!
The best part of my outfit was the flashing tiara and septor. I was the shit! (forget that I am the shit). To top it off, it was a totally free night for me. Bartenders gave me shots of Patron because I brought them GOOD business. (my friends are very good drinkers!!)
Last year during the pub crawl Drunk Foxxy decided that as long as a man could provide bacon and cheese, he met all of my qualifications in a mate. Seriously I can't make this crap up. Thankfully my friend B, was there to remind me that I require a few other things. That's when I asked him if he had bread also. This year my friend "the Divine Miss A" was keeping her eagle-eye of protection on me. She saved me from a few ill-advised kisses and made sure I made it home with no damage to my fabulous footy pajamas.
These are my new favorite pajamas. I could live in them. They are so comfortable and since I live alone, there is no one to laugh at me when I slide on my hardwood floors. If you don't have a pair of adult footy or onesie jammies then you are missing out. The thing about footies is that since they are all in one and cover you from neck to toe you forget they are jammies and not meant for outside. My neighbors are all tired of catching me in my footies. I check my mail, take my laundry off the clothesline and dump my garbage in my footies. My friend drew the line when I tried to go with him to the McDonald's drive thru in them. I am thinking about doing a little more bedazzling to them. We'll see.
I can't imagine that any other city would be as open to a pub crawl like this. New Orleans is definitely special. It is one of the reasons I heart NOLA.
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