Thursday, March 5, 2009

Who's The Master?

I have been saying this to myself over and over since last weekend.  It can't get any better than the immortal words of Sho'nuff.  Sadly he died not too long ago.  I love this movie so much.  It never gets old.  I especially like the DeBarge video in the middle.  The movie is chalked full of one-liners and "happening" dance moves.  They don't make movies like this anymore.  If for some cracked out reason you haven't seen "Barry Gordy's The Last Dragon" I suggest you run out and rent buy a copy today. Anyone I've ever shown the movie to loves it.  I want to walk into every room followed by my tricked out adoring entourage.  "Am I the meanest?  Am I the prettiest? Am I the baddest, mofo lowdown around town". Your answer better be "SHONUFF".  I'm gonna get a t-shirt made to say this.

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Anonymous said...

"Bruce Leroy,that's who."

Foxxy said...

See I knew someone was feeling me.