Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time to Recharge

I'm excited about taking a long weekend starting tomorrow. I have been going through school stress for the past month. I called my cousin in Jacksonville, FL and asked if I could visit this weekend. Luckily they will be home this weekend. Sometimes nothing can ease your mind and relax/recharge you like family. It is worth it to me to make the 9hr drive just to spend some time with family members that aren't stressing me. So to make sure The White Knight was road ready I had to get a long overdue oil change. Since my truck is always messy and dirty it takes some pre-planning. The place that does the best job is close to my apartment and gives you a free carwash and vaccum. Sounds great except I always have to clean out the inside of my car first. Well I didn't feel like doing that so I went to one of those 5 min quick oil change places. Lucky me the guy who handles my car is a young K-Fed wanna be. He has blond hair braided into corn-rows and very bright blue eyes. When he talks to me he calls me "Sistah". It doesn't even offend me because I truly believe that is who he is right now. That doesn't mean that I don't find it extremely funny. I changed my mind, he is not a K-Fed wanna be. He's Gin Rummy from the Boondocks cartoon.(sidenote... I love that cartoon and hope they hurry up and release season 3). I'm taking a bottle of Firefly Lemon Tea Vodka with me. I have been hooked on the Sweet Tea Vodka for awhile, but I think the lemon is better.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm an Internet Expert Bunny Wrangler

An expert is someone widely recognized as a reliable source of technique or skill whose faculty for judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely is accorded authority and status by their peers or the public in a specific well distinguished domain. An expert can be, by virtue of training, education, profession, publication or experience, believed to have special knowledge of a subject beyond that of the average person, sufficient that others may officially (and legally) rely upon the individual's opinion.  This is how wiki defines the term expert. 

You may be wondering where I'm going with this. Here it is. Have you ever noticed that on the internet everyone is an expert.  Apparently all you have to really be skilled at is creating a web page or blog and you too can be an expert.  What kind of certification or training is required to be an expert?  In the real world you need a long list of bonafides to be considered and expert and even then there are levels of expertise. Not so on the internet. If you can spell it and put it on the internet you are set.  You are ready to declare your expertise and display the proper amount of indignation if someone should dare to question you.  Especially when the "internet expert" decides to list their qualifications and they have nothing to do with the what they claim to be an expert in.  Doesn't make any sense. It wouldn't be so funny to me if I didn't know that these so called experts are dead serious.  I find it extremely hard to contain my hilarity when I know the real person doesn't match up to the internet persona they have created. Normally I try to avoid even the hint of being called an expert. Experts are always on "essential personnel" lists and have to stay in town during hurricane evacuations. Not for me. Mr Bunny and I head for higher ground at the first sign of bad weather. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced I am an internet expert.  I mean come on, I have a blog and a twitter damn it! I think I'll have t-shirts made to declare my expertise in a shitload of things.  I'll pick my expertise by whichever shirt is clean that day.  As long as I make sure to qualify my level of expertise as "internet expert" I can be an expert in anything.  I think my first shirt will be "Internet Expert in Bunny Wrangling".  Hell my friend Red Feather is an internet expert abalone harvester and an expert sea monkey grower.  Forgive me internet expert sea monkey grower.  So ladies and gents, what are you an expert in?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hair Issues

I'm kicking around the option of getting a drastic haircut.  I'm talking chopping off the huge puff ball of hair and going with a teeny weeny afro.  I've done it before.  I think my hair is not that healthy right now so why not chop most of it off and start over?  I don't want to go as extreme as I did the first time I went  for the big chop.  My mom still has nightmares about that one. She sent me to college  with below shoulder length straight hair and I came back first semester with 2 inches of afro and nothing else. Ahh good times, good times. Now if I so much as mention getting a trim she gets a little heart murmur and breaks out in a cold sweat.  Occasionally I bring up a hair cut when I want to throw her off the scent of something else. What? You say a man answered the phone when you called me at 6am? Did I mention I was thinking of getting a haircut.  How do you feel about the Grace Jones or Sinead O'Connor look?  Works everytime.  I think this time I might wait till  the healthy hair is longer than 2 inches before I chop. If I wait though I do run the risk of having ridiculous split  ends that go on forever.  I've had big hair for so long I'm not completely sure I can function again with a minimal amount of hair.  Short hair is definitely easier to take care of.  Pretty much wash and go. Decisions decisions!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Biological Clock

So once you reach a certain age everyone feels they have the right to question you about when you will procreate. Or in my case get married then procreate. I personally don't see what the fascination with my biological clock is. I recently had a conversation with one of my aunts where she grilled me on when I was gonna get married and start making babies. Of course she pointed out with great love and affection that I'm getting older everyday and my eggs won't be good for anything in a few years. WTF? My eggs are champs. They are the gold-standard of baby makers! I love it when my friends have planned and sometimes unplanned pregnancies. I love to play with and spoil their kids then go home to my own home that is childless. There is a reason I have a pet that doesn't say shit!! Mr. Bunny doesn't bark, meow or crow. I love it. Also my choice to be baby free is not free. I pay good money every year to remain so. The pill aint cheap! So me being baby free is neither free nor by accident. So from now on whenever anyone starts asking me about my biological clock I'm gonna say. My biological clock is digital, bitch. It don't tick!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm Playing Hooky

I should be working on my paper today, I think I'm taking a mental
health day. I will be at home deep conditioning my hair, painting my
toenails, wearing a face mask and watching a Firefly marathon. I've
been a reasonably good girl for a while. I deserve a break.