I'm still getting big reactions to my newly shorn hair. They range from flat out dislike to extreme love. The only common reaction is surprise. Oh, well I'm still loving it right now. Besides Louisiana is really hot in the summertime. I'm looking forward to having a cooler head this summer.
There is a situation in my building right now. My building has a security gate and bars on the window. Anyone who has been to visit can tell you,we are more secure than Fort Knox. Well one of the tenants is sub-letting his apartment for the summer. The girl keeps leaving the security door unlocked. The landlord sent everyone an email stressing the importance of locking the door. Great... situation handled...NO! The girl keeps doing it. Now we all know who is doing it yet everyone gets the email because the landlord doesn't want to "name names". Finally I get tired of getting the scolding emails so I catch the girl, Olga, as she is leaving the building without locking the door. I give her an earful on locking the gate so I don't get raped/stabbed and most importantly so i don't get anymore emails. Turns out she is German and doesn't speak English well. Not only that, she is doing some crazy neo-hippy thing where she doesn't use electronics unless she has to. No tv, no computer (email), no radio and no car! Bitch is riding a bike around town in New Orleans heat and humidity. I pray she is not on a hippy "no deodorant" kick. Cause if she starts stinking up the place, it's on! She promised to lock the door from now on.
Foxxy you are hilarious! Does she have the long leg and armpit hair?
Oh she is super hairy. That wasn't shocking to me because I have some vegan friends who are American and just as hairy. My worry is if someone breaks in who is gonna get raped/stabbed the hairwolf or the hotness that is me?
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