As I type this Mr. Bunny and I are ashamed to show our face in the neighborhood. I should say, I'm ashamed, Mr. Bunny is feeling no shame! So in my neighborhood Mr. Bunny is famous. First of all he is the only bunny on the block and I take him for walks on a leash. All the little kids love to come and pet him. He has stopped traffic on numerous occasions. For the past three years I've been loaning him out a few weeks before Easter to take pictures with my neighbor's children to send to their Grandma. Well what I've known all along and what my neighbors recently found out is Mr. Bunny has a darkside!! **gasp** He likes to attack other animals occasionally. He has never bitten a human as far as I know. He did try to pee on my ex-boyfriend the first time he met him. That was not only funny it turned out to be foreshadowing. Mr Bunny is still here almost-pee'd on boyfriend.. no longer around. You do the reasoning. He also attacked a friend's small dog. I am pretty sure this was done out of jealousy, because I was playing with the puppy. Once Mr. Bunny and I almost got "handled" by the Nation Guard. Don't have time to tell that story just know that it ends with me telling the machine-gun carrying guardsmen that "Me and Mr. Bunny are free Americans and can walk wherever we want", then picking up my fellow free American bunny and running like the hounds of hell were after us. Ahh good times. So this brings us to the reason for our fugitive state.
On Monday I was walking Mr. Bunny in the neighborhood when the previously mentioned neighbor-children came running up. They stopped to pet him as usual and the little girl even ran inside to get him a grape. She loves to feed him and he loves to eat it.. win-win situation. So the little boy brings over their brand new kitten. A really cute little black kitty that looks like it weighs about 2-3 lbs. I love cats so I make the appropriate oohs and ahhs. The kitty really is adorable. I should also mention that it was a really nice evening with a breeze and most of my neighbors were out in their yards. I don't know about other neighborhoods but it seems my neighbors like to be out in their yards with an alcoholic beverage in hand. Back to the story. The little boy puts the kitten on the grass in front of Mr. Bunny so he can meet it. Mr Bunny out of the blue lets out a "Rebel Yell" and attacks. (Most people would be shocked to learn that when appropriately pissed rabbits can growl. Not often and not usually but it is possible.) I was not paying attention so I dropped his leash. The poor kitten is running for her life and hissing as only felines can. Now I have take off at a mad dash to catch up to Mr. Bunny who has given chase. I barely caught him and that was only because he still had the leash trailing behind him. When I finally capture him and pick his protesting-ass up I'm winded and very embarrassed. My slightly tipsy across the street neighbor says in his thoroughly middle-class way "Look at that rabbit. It's like an attack rabbit!" At this point I'm trying not to make eye contact with anyone and pretending I don't hear the little girl asking her mom why Mr. Bunny was mean to "the baby kitty!" So now me and my attack bunny are hiding out. I'll take him for another walk this weekend but probably in the backyard or on another street.
OK - this post had me laughing all the way thru... when you mentioned the kitty I was thinking "uhoh..." and I could hear the music from Jaws...
And the National Guard trying to pick a fight with you and Mr Bunny as free Americans?! Hilarious!
He is a most handsome Mr. Bunny!!
When I had my house bunnies - our male Billy Bub woud growl and come at ME for trying to pet my sweet female bunny, Ewe Krupp (named after the CO Av's hockey goalie not knowing she was a she at the time). I was like HEY! Dude! I had her first!! We found a middle ground but yeah- bunnies can be ferocious when they want to be.
Oh the national guard story is pretty funny. What I didn't mention is that when I came running back to my street carrying Mr. Bunny like a football my brother was sitting on our front stoop and he laughed so hard he fell off. And once again my neighbors were outside having a drink watching the whole thing!
And I thought I was entertaining to my neighbors... I got nuthin' compared to you! Hilarious!
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