I know I have been pretty lazy with my updates recently. I don't have a good excuse. I guess I've been busy but not Obama busy so there really is no excuse. Hmmmm a lot has happened since my last update. Nothing truly life changing or worthy of blogging about. The same random craziness that makes up my life.
I had a post not too long ago about my current book club pick, One Hundred Years of Solitude , . I have tried and not been able to get into this book. I have been told it is a classic and I'm missing out, but I am just not getting it. Apparently I'm not an enlightened reader. I've been reading everything but the book I'm supposed to be reading. Here's a little something funny. See if you can follow my stream of thought. I went to see The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock a couple of weeks ago and then a little more recently I went to see The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigle. While I could take or leave The Proposal I really liked The Ugly Truth. I started wondering why I liked one so much but not the other. On the surface they are not that different. Both are romantic comedies or chick flicks, both starring actresses I like, neither one is going to win any awards. I have concluded that the main reason I liked the second movie better than the first is because of the raunch factor. I liked that they curse and talk about sex. I like that they have a scene where the main character has an orgasm in a crowded restaurant. You'll never have a scene like that in a Sandra Bullock movie. Now as I was analyzing this my eyes landed on a book I bought some time ago. The title is Female Chauvinist Pigs:Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. It seemed almost too perfect. So I'm currently reading this book and trying to determine if I'm a female chauvinist pig. I'm a little ways into the book and I must say, right now it's looking like a yes. I'm not broken up about it. I drink more than I should, curse more than two people should, I love to hear a good dirty joke and I know the value of potty humor. I once walked into a friend's apartment and found a room full of men watching porn. I could have turned around and apologized for interrupting their "male bonding" but I was fascinated. I swear to you, no one I know would do the things the girl on screen was doing. I felt it was my civic duty to explain to them that women didn't really like that. Sometimes men act like they don't understand that the woman on screen is getting paid to pretend she likes that crap. Plus they had pizza and booze. So I sat down in a room of 5 men and calmly ate pizza, drank beer and Jameson and discussed porn. I'm not even a little sorry I did it. I learned a lot and it was a non-sexual experience. I told a friend this story and she was horrified for about 3 seconds then fascinated. On the flip side. I go to church most Sundays, I don't sleep around, I don't dress in revealing clothes. I have never been offended when a door is opened for me, but I don't mind opening my own door. I pay my own bills every month, own my car and feel I'm a pretty independent woman. I don't get nervous going to a crowded restaurant and eating alone or catching a movie alone. I know how to change a flat tire on my SUV but I prefer to pay for Roadside Assistance. I live alone by choice, but love when my male friends come to visit and dump my garbage for me. Strange, strange, strange. I'll keep you all updated on what my final decision is. I don't think I'm the only one either. Now the discussing porn with a room full of men might be unique to me, but the other stuff is not so odd. I know many women who lead similar lives.
I think you display a healthy, enjoyable, respectable level of raunch. How is this book defining female chauvinist? Is any detectable level of raunch positive for pig? If that's the case, you may call me Porky.
Yeah with the whole women's rights, there is sort of a double edged sword... I can open the door for myself or take out the trash but don't mind if men do it for me either.
I have to hear more about what defines a female chauvinist pig...
I'd watch porn in college with guy friends... it wasn't an orgy inducing thing either... more about laughing and making fun of it than anything else. I mean c'mon... Edward Penishands? Please.
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