Friday, May 29, 2009
Book Club Recap
I have been trying to figure out how I'm going to incorporate books into my blog. I've decided that I'll definitely start listing my current book club selections as well as my own reviews. I should try to find one of those "what I'm reading now" widgets also. This might take me a while because I'm not very tech savvy. Ever wonder why all my pictures are in the same spot with no real formatting? 'Cause that's the only way I know how to do it baby!
The next bookclub selection is One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I have been forewarned that this is a dense book to get through. I'm reserving judgement.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hairwolf in NOLA
I'm still getting big reactions to my newly shorn hair. They range from flat out dislike to extreme love. The only common reaction is surprise. Oh, well I'm still loving it right now. Besides Louisiana is really hot in the summertime. I'm looking forward to having a cooler head this summer.
There is a situation in my building right now. My building has a security gate and bars on the window. Anyone who has been to visit can tell you,we are more secure than Fort Knox. Well one of the tenants is sub-letting his apartment for the summer. The girl keeps leaving the security door unlocked. The landlord sent everyone an email stressing the importance of locking the door. Great... situation handled...NO! The girl keeps doing it. Now we all know who is doing it yet everyone gets the email because the landlord doesn't want to "name names". Finally I get tired of getting the scolding emails so I catch the girl, Olga, as she is leaving the building without locking the door. I give her an earful on locking the gate so I don't get raped/stabbed and most importantly so i don't get anymore emails. Turns out she is German and doesn't speak English well. Not only that, she is doing some crazy neo-hippy thing where she doesn't use electronics unless she has to. No tv, no computer (email), no radio and no car! Bitch is riding a bike around town in New Orleans heat and humidity. I pray she is not on a hippy "no deodorant" kick. Cause if she starts stinking up the place, it's on! She promised to lock the door from now on.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Big Chop
than an inch of hair. This is not the first time I've started over
with my hair. Probably won't be the last. I'm still getting used to
the loss of "big hair". The best thing about this cut is that it took
me 2 minutes to do my hair when I got out of the shower. Here's a
picture I took this morning to email to The Minister.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Doing it Big Weekend
Fast forward to 3:30pm on Saturday when I pick Baby Brother up at the airport. When he gets into the car I can smell the alcohol already. Apparently he had a very pleasant flight that included large amounts of alcohol. He makes me stop at a dauquiri shop on the way to my house. Now I could have just gotten him one and not myself, but noone wants to drink alone right? So we have the dauquiris and get him settled in. Then Kiff's (brother's friend) plane gets in so we head back to the airport. The two of them spend the next couple of hours talking over each other and drinking the delicious Firefly Rasberry Vodka and lemonade drinks I made. At this point I'm already feeling like I am down for the count and it is only 8:30pm. They walk around to the bar up the street and meet up with some of my brother's friends that he worked with when he lived in New Orleans. I wisely use this time to take a nap. The rest of that day is a little fuzzy but I know Alyson came to be our sober driver and took us to one of our favorite hangouts to meet up and have a drink (like we needed anymore) with friends. Not sure how the night went cause I woke up at home in my own bed on Sunday at 4 am. My brother tells me he carried me in.
We spent most of Sunday playing kickball and once again Baby Brother and Kiff drink like sharks!! An amusing sidenote is that Kiff likes to refer to himself in the third person when he drinks. He has spent the whole weekend drinking so he has spent the whole weekend in third person. For example when he was ready to stop drinking on Sunday he informed me by saying "The Kiff can't feel his face!" Ahh good times, good times. Today I am feeling every one of my 31 years. When I left them this morning at 8 am they were mixing up bloodymarys.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My Favorite Book
I'm doing something a little new today. I have always been a big reader. I have been in love with books and the written word since I was a child. Anyone who knows me well, is aware that books take up a lot of space in my apartment and my heart. I read everything! It is not unusual for me to be in a bad mood or even a good mood and be able to trace its origins to the most recent book I read. With that said, I realized that I don't mention books or my favorite authors at all on this blog. Funny that such a large part of my life is never mentioned on here. Well it is time to change that. I'm not sure if I'll add one of those "what I'm reading now" widgets or if I'll just do a regular post on books I like. I've decided to start by telling you all about my favorite book. This is the book I give to people I really like. This is the book I grabbed when evacuating for hurricane Katrina. I forgot the last picture I took with my deceased father here in New Orleans, but I took Kindred. I simply love this book. I've read and gifted this book too many times to count. In the event of fire I would grab, Kindred, Mr. Bunny and my laptop on my way out of the door. (See almost forgot the picture again. I would grab Kindred, Mr. Bunny, laptop, and picture of deceased father) I'm sure by now you understand how much I love it. Now let me tell you why.
The name of the book is Kindred by Octavia Butller. The novel is about a modern (1976) black woman named Dana. She is transported back in time to the slavery era South to save a little boy. This boy turns out to be her ancestor. She is summoned over and over again whenever he, Rufus, is in mortal danger. She must save him to ensure her own eventual existence. Each summoning has her stay longer and longer. Each time she returns her young charge is older and more a product of his time. The book really explores love, hate, race, obsession, cruelty, forgiveness and worst of all fear. The characters are really well developed and Butler is a master when it comes to world building. Reading this book will really give you an understanding of daily life on a plantation. The author doesn't make the slave master's overly cruel or villanous. Instead her point is made in small accepted every day cruelties that made up life in that time. It makes you wonder what choices you would make in a given situation. You see the young boy grow to become a man that still reminds you of the child that steals your heart and compassion at the beginning, while making you dread the man he has become. I don't know how to explain it. Every time I read this book I want to hate him so much, but I never do. I find myself feeling sad for him and the other characters. The author does a really good job of subtly demonstrating a kind of commonality between the so-called good characters and bad-characters.
I can't say enough about how much I love this book. I highly recommend you pick up a copy of this book.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Drama Rama
On a not so new note The Minister has taken up residence on "Crack Island". Our conversation started out so innocently. I complained about getting wet in the rain on my way to my car after church. She says something like you're not sugar you won't melt. I reply that I happen to be very sweet (occasionally). Here's where the conversation is hijacked. She informs me that she doesn't know that because she doesn't have a son-in-law or grandchild from me to tell her this! Crazy.. of course I fire back with Mr. Bunny and she points out that he can't call her and tell her so his testimony is null and void! The conversation went completely off track from there with me ending up threatening to bring her an illegitimate grandchild within the year. ( As a minister she is very much about the marriage then baby carriage) Apparently she is getting desperate because she doesn't miss a beat when she says "Bring 'em!!" It's not like she really needs another grandchild. Between my two brothers she has five grandchildren. Regardless, I am so not going out to get knocked up anytime soon. I can barely afford to keep me and Mr. Bunny in entrees what would I do with a kid? Ridiculous.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Nothing Special Going On
I don't really have any big plans for this weekend aside from "Newbie Haze" on saturday. It is a very juvenile tradition on the Hangovers. We are taking the team newbies to our team bar and drinking and socializing with them all night. It wouldn't be so bad, but they don't get a chance to recover the next day because that is the day of the league social. Should be fun, but I'm way to old to stay out randomly drinking all night. I think I'll put in an appearance for a couple of hours then head home to my comfortable bed.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Why is the rum always gone?
Enough about that. It is almost kickball season. That is part of the reason for Jason's visit. He joined my kickball team, The Hangovers, even though he no longer lives here in NOLA. Anyone living in our home town understands why. There really isn't a lot of entertainment there. So he is on the team and will be flying in to play in about 4 games during the course of the season. It will give us a chance to hang out and Do it Big!!! And noone does it big like us. Hopefully while he's here he will pack up and take the rest of his shit that has been taking up space in my apartment for the last year and a half!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Me and my big mouth caused a little family drama on Mother's Day. I didn't mean to, but there was major drama. It all started last Thursday night. Actually as I look at my text message list I see it was between 11:50pm on Thursday night and 12:10 am Friday morning. Anyone who knows me well, is well aware that I'm in bed by 9pm and asleep by 9:30pm most nights. So at almost midnight I've been asleep for hours and I'm talking good drooling on my pillow already kicked the covers off sleep. So here is the text conversation that took place.
That was the complete conversation. I went back to sleep until it was time for me to get dressed the next morning. So of course on Friday morning as I'm taking a shower it comes back to me. I rush through my shower and immediately dig out my phone to review the text conversation. Yep my way too young cousin is married. She is just 19 years old and just finished her sophmore year in college. Somehow I forgot to mention it to anyone most of the weekend. Fast forward to Sunday, I'm chatting it up to The Minister and she mentions that she has to call all of her sisters to wish them a happy Mother's Day. I don't know why, but it just slipped out. "I hope Aunt P (Cousin M's mom) is talking to Cousin M again." Of course my mother is wondering why she wouldn't be talking to her. So then I let it all out about the marriage. In my defense, who would assume it was a secret if she is sending out informative texts to people. People who were drooling on their own pillow and minding their own business I might add! Now my mother being the honesty police calls my Aunt P to find out what the deal is. Wait I'm getting ahead of myself. First there is a ten minute conversation in which I promise never to get married without giving my Mother the opportunity to be there. Even if it turns out to be a *gasp* sigh* "city hall wedding". Then there was a 15 minute three-way call to my Aunt J. Aunt J prides herself on being at the forefront of all family gossip. During this conversation we were informed that "No she had no idea Cousin M was married and furthermore Aunt P didn't mention it when they spoke this morning!" The situation has clearly escalated to code red. As the two of them are getting worked up, I'm starting to get that little tingle in the back of my neck. You know the one that says in braille "You fucked up fool!" So I send a desperate text to Cousin M that goes something like. I hope your marriage wasn't suppose to be a secret cause I told my Mom and she's on a fact finding mission. By the time I get this text out The Minister is calling Aunt P. Well turns out Cousin M is at her mom's house for the summer.
Cousin M: Me n my bf got married.
Me: Congrats. Tonight?
Cousin M: Yesterday
Me:Wow. R U Happy?
Cousin M: Yes.... very. My mom isn't talking to me right now.
Me: She will get over it. Congrats
Drama rama. Aunt P is all butt-hurt that her "only daughter" didn't include her in her wedding. Of course Aunt P forgets that she eloped once upon a time long ago. This sparks a three-way conversation between me, the Minister, and Aunt P. Mostly the Minister and Aunt P, I was just kind of hoping the conversation didn't swing back to me. I can't remember all that was said, but I do recall promising once again that upon threat of a painful "size 7.5 stilleto pump to the neck" I would never get married without giving the Minister every opportunity to be there. The conversation finally ended with my aunt tearfully expressing her pain at not being at "her only daughter's wedding" even if it was to a peanut headed boy that she didn't really like! and the Minister quoting scripture about the benefits of marriage. I tuned out when the convo swung around to planning a reception for the family to meet "this boy Cousin M married".
You can't write this kind of shit. How was I to know that an unsolicited text message in the middle of the night was supposed to be kept secret? Jeeze
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Congrats on Managing Not to Get Knocked Up
Happy Mother's Day

I know I had a post about The Minister the other day, but today is Mother's Day. So you are just going to have to put up with another mommy post. So here is a short list of things my mother taught me either by words or deeds. For brevity I won't repeat what I put in my previous post.
- Always tell my children (right now this is Mr. Bunny) the truth, even if it is a truth you don't want to believe.
- How to pray and meditate to center myself when everything else is chaos
- My opinion does count
- I'm lovable even when I have a stank attitude
- Don't listen to people that don't count
- Mom and friend are not mutually exclusive
- Family is important, but not at the expense of happiness
- I have the right to be selfish occasionally
This is a really brief list. Hope it gets you all thinking about your own dear old mommy. Don't forget to call her today.
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Minister Has Spoken
"You stop all that belly-aching, do what you have to do to graduate and tell him to kiss your shiny black ass! You know asses like yours don't just come to be. I gave you that kiss worthy ass! Now get off of it and be happy!"You gotta love it. If you ever met The Minister you would understand. My mother is 5'4" of sweet southern charm masquerading as a Californian. She always has a smile and blessing for everyone she meets, but if you push her she will "put the pump to you". I think I'm the only one that ever induces her to use the word ass. I love being her problem child. I'm sure some of you needed to hear this little jewel from my Mom just as much as me. Lets hear the best advice your Mom ever gave you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I Have Another Follower
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Life's A Beach
happened. I went with my cousin to go see Obsessed. It was pretty
good. Although the much hyped fight scene only lasted about 2 minutes
at the end of the film. Last night we went to this really cool
festival called World Of Nations. There were booths set up for
different countries and you could buy food learn about each country.
They gave you a passport booklet when you first arrived then you could
get a stamp in your passport for each country you visited. I'm
enjoying this stolen vacation of mine. I left my laptop at home on
purpose because I didn't want to do anything school related. I typed
this whole post on my phone.