Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm an Internet Expert Bunny Wrangler

An expert is someone widely recognized as a reliable source of technique or skill whose faculty for judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely is accorded authority and status by their peers or the public in a specific well distinguished domain. An expert can be, by virtue of training, education, profession, publication or experience, believed to have special knowledge of a subject beyond that of the average person, sufficient that others may officially (and legally) rely upon the individual's opinion.  This is how wiki defines the term expert. 

You may be wondering where I'm going with this. Here it is. Have you ever noticed that on the internet everyone is an expert.  Apparently all you have to really be skilled at is creating a web page or blog and you too can be an expert.  What kind of certification or training is required to be an expert?  In the real world you need a long list of bonafides to be considered and expert and even then there are levels of expertise. Not so on the internet. If you can spell it and put it on the internet you are set.  You are ready to declare your expertise and display the proper amount of indignation if someone should dare to question you.  Especially when the "internet expert" decides to list their qualifications and they have nothing to do with the what they claim to be an expert in.  Doesn't make any sense. It wouldn't be so funny to me if I didn't know that these so called experts are dead serious.  I find it extremely hard to contain my hilarity when I know the real person doesn't match up to the internet persona they have created. Normally I try to avoid even the hint of being called an expert. Experts are always on "essential personnel" lists and have to stay in town during hurricane evacuations. Not for me. Mr Bunny and I head for higher ground at the first sign of bad weather. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced I am an internet expert.  I mean come on, I have a blog and a twitter damn it! I think I'll have t-shirts made to declare my expertise in a shitload of things.  I'll pick my expertise by whichever shirt is clean that day.  As long as I make sure to qualify my level of expertise as "internet expert" I can be an expert in anything.  I think my first shirt will be "Internet Expert in Bunny Wrangling".  Hell my friend Red Feather is an internet expert abalone harvester and an expert sea monkey grower.  Forgive me internet expert sea monkey grower.  So ladies and gents, what are you an expert in?


Anonymous said...

You can add that you are an expert in mimicking an "Andy Rooney" spot on 60 minutes...LOL
That was great AND I am an expert in LAZY!!!
The Lakeview Critic

Shanster said...

This is my problem. I think if I could believe I was an expert at anything, I could demand a higher pay scale.

Sadly, I am a jack of all trades, master of NONE! :)