Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Biological Clock

So once you reach a certain age everyone feels they have the right to question you about when you will procreate. Or in my case get married then procreate. I personally don't see what the fascination with my biological clock is. I recently had a conversation with one of my aunts where she grilled me on when I was gonna get married and start making babies. Of course she pointed out with great love and affection that I'm getting older everyday and my eggs won't be good for anything in a few years. WTF? My eggs are champs. They are the gold-standard of baby makers! I love it when my friends have planned and sometimes unplanned pregnancies. I love to play with and spoil their kids then go home to my own home that is childless. There is a reason I have a pet that doesn't say shit!! Mr. Bunny doesn't bark, meow or crow. I love it. Also my choice to be baby free is not free. I pay good money every year to remain so. The pill aint cheap! So me being baby free is neither free nor by accident. So from now on whenever anyone starts asking me about my biological clock I'm gonna say. My biological clock is digital, bitch. It don't tick!


Shanster said...

You are AWESOME! I love it. I'm baby free and will never have one. Never. Wait til you get married... then you REALLY get grilled.

If you sniff and get tears and say you can't... people back off pretty quick. (they don't know you can't cuz it would mean you'd have to stop drinking. You can't cuz you'd have to change diapers... you can't cuz ...

Tho' that might not work for family!

Foxxy said...

I'll have to try the tears. Although I'm sure that would lead to an impromptu "laying on of hands" prayer session knowing my family. I would be drenched in annointed oil before you could say va-j-j