Monday, June 22, 2009

Huh? What? Can't Hear You!

As I type this blog there is all kinds of craziness going on behind me. They are fixing/updating the air conditioning system in my building at school. That means that parts of the building are like walking into a swamp and other parts are arctic. My particular lab is about 82 degrees right now and that's with the help of a giant standing unit. This thing makes more noise than a freight train. One step into the sweltering hallway and I'm willing to put up with it for a while. I think I'll have to bring earplugs for the rest of the week. My lab mates and I have resorted to hand signals to communicate because of the noise.
My weekend was pretty nice. I went to see The Proposal on Saturday. I woke up my friends Roma and Alyson and convinced them to meet me at the 10:55 am showing. It was a pretty good movie. It was classic Sandra Bullock. Pretty predictable but still entertaining. Definitely a chick flick. I'm ok with that. I mean I read romance novels can't get more guilty pleasure than that. Also Ryan whatever his name is, looked good if you like clean-cut Kennedy style guys. I'm not so much into that. Anywho it was an enjoyable way to spend the morning with some of my girls.

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