Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Big Chop



Well I did it. I chopped off the fro. I am now the proud owner of less
than an inch of hair. This is not the first time I've started over
with my hair. Probably won't be the last. I'm still getting used to
the loss of "big hair". The best thing about this cut is that it took
me 2 minutes to do my hair when I got out of the shower. Here's a
picture I took this morning to email to The Minister.


Shanster said...

Did it suprise her? You look super cute! I like short hair... it's so easy! Where are you? Whatever you are drinking looks yummy... drool, drool, drool...

Foxxy said...

Thanks for the compliment. I like it more each day. The big hair was a trial to work with each day. That picture was taken with my phone in my lab yesterday.

Shanster said...

K - I THOUGHT it looked like a lab... dude, you must be smart. Anyone working in a lab is SMART. Way, way smarter than me! big grin

Anonymous said...

HUMM, the Lakeview critic is at a loss of words...for once. The important thing is that you love it. I am sure it will grow on me.