Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Have Another Follower

I'm excited that I now have 2 official followers. Not one but two... count 'em! Much like the Jeffersons I am "moving on up!" I have had my original and most loyal follower since the very beginning, Squeelet. Although Squeelet is ridiculously funny and witty she hasn't chosen to blog about it. When she does I'm sure it will interesting. Now the "Squeel Inducing One" is joined by Shanster. I have to confess that I was a lurker on her blog for a while before I ever started my own blog. If you get a chance check it out. Pretty funny goings on over there. Not that I'm not ecstatic about my increase in followers but I still want more. I feel official. I hesitate to say it, but I think I'm definitely moving into expert range. I'm talking real expert not internet expert. I have two official followers I must be an expert right? I do know that there are some lurkers out there. Keep coming back and eventually you'll get sucked in. Even if you don't become a follower definitely leave a comment.


Shanster said...

Yes, now you aren't just an official Internet Expert Bunny Wrangler but you are an Expert Blogger!! Waaaahoooooo!

Squeelet said...
