Sunday, May 10, 2009

Congrats on Managing Not to Get Knocked Up

I did the obligatory sappy Mother's Day post earlier today, but the more I thought about it the more I felt this was needed also. This post is for all my single/married/engaged sisters who managed to get through another year without getting knocked up. I have said it before and I'll say it again, "being baby-free is neither free nor accidental!" We don't have a cool day set aside to recognize and praise the fact that we have been responsible in our family planning choices. They don't send us cards for our efforts or write sonnets about us. Don't get me wrong, being a mother is an important and hopefully informed decision that is beautiful and worthy of praise. I just think that many people forget that the choice of not reproducing is worthy of praise as well. Mothers are the primary teachers in society. I just want to recognize that being childless doesn't negate our ability to impart knowledge and utility to society. Not that we will never reproduce, just that it will be on our own schedule and at a time we deem appropriate. So to all my sisters in the fight.... Happy Non-Mother's Day! You made it another year without getting knocked up!


Squeelet said...

And specifically because of that fact, we should celebrate by drinking copious amounts of whatever liquor we can find.

Foxxy said...

Most definitely!!

Shanster said...

I missed this one on Mother's Day. Can I drink copious amounts tonight in honor of Sunday?

And hell yeah! I am GLAD I am sans child.

I figure it's my environmentally savvy thing. I'm green cuz my uterus is and always has been in the clear! One less human to drive a car, make trash and population explosion. heh heh.

Foxxy said...

Shanster--I have never pushed the "green" angle.. that is too perfect. You can bet I'll add that to my list.